Microsoft have recently added a range of new ground-breaking services to their Azure cloud platform that has opened up a world of exciting new possibilities. Following extensive testing and customer trials, Netmetix has developed a range of services that, not only supply the intensive computing power needed, but crucially the high-performance graphics capability necessary to run demanding 2D and 3D CAD and similarly intensive graphics applications in the cloud effectively.
CAD (Computer Aided Design) has traditionally needed dedicated high-power workstations with specialist graphics capability, but this update can totally revolutionise how and where users can work.
Welcome to the future of CAD use.
For many industries who use CAD on a regular basis, the past eight months have proved extremely difficult as users have been unable to work remotely due to the specialist nature of their computing requirements. Either workstations cannot be moved, or users’ home internet connections haven’t been fast enough or stable enough to support the high demands that professional CAD applications make on them.
These new developments from Azure mean that CAD can now be run entirely in the cloud with no degradation of performance or functionality. Further improvements have been, and continue to be made, and we are now able to easily and cost-effectively exceed the levels of performance provided by dedicated CAD and graphics workstations.
No more capital expenditure on expensive CAD workstation hardware
Use your CAD software on any (low cost or portable) laptop, PC or tablet
Pay for Compute Power as and when needed – investment not sitting idle
Flex capacity up or down to match business needs
Here are just some of the CAD and graphics applications we have already provisioned in the cloud for clients:
AutoCAD & AutoCAD LT
Solid Edge
3DS Max
Adobe Photoshop
With all these reasons why would you not move to CAD in the Cloud?
For a FREE demonstration, please fill in the short form below and one of our experts will be in touch with you in the next five days.